Monday, June 12, 2006

Shared Birthdays

Last Saturday we had what was the first of many shared birthday parties of our two kids. Woogy and Nibble's birthdays are only two days apart, so we will probably always combine them. Keep in mind, we didn't plan it that way. This year, Nibble's didn't care about sharing her birthday, but I fear what she might think in the future about sharing her party.

Most of the party focused on Woogy. We had both sides of the family come down from Iowa (as you can see the two grandfathers proudly taking pictures in the corner of the picture). Woogy had a few kids from his babysitter's house, and a few neighborhood kids come over. We decided to have a Star Wars theme party, since that seems all Woogy plays now. I used to love to play Star Wars when I was his age, so I can relate. He actually plays with some of my old figures.

As far as presents go, I bought Woogy a Power Wheels jeep. He never asked for one, but I always wanted one when I was his age, so I thought he would like it. Instead he likes his new X wing fighter and lightsaber better. Just a couple of years ago, all he wanted was Thomas the Tank Engine. Now it seems he could care less about trains.

Since Nibbles only enjoys playing with her brother's toys, we only got her a couple of her own toys. Nibbles still had a good time eating some of her birthday cake and being held by Wah-wah.


f o r r e s t said...

4 years old - wow, he is getting old.

I wouldn't worry about combining birthday parties. As kids, they won't be thinking that sharing parties is a drag if that is all they have ever known. So, don't put the doubt in their heads. Twins do it all the time and have lived to talk about it. :)

T said...

Sounds like fun! They don't get younger. This year cman turns 7 and starts the 2nd grade. He can read and write and doesn't need us for much of anything anymore, except an occasional hug and a partner in mille bourne! Kids really do grow up too fast!

GoldenSunrise said...

Cool party! As long as they both get presents, I don't see a problem with combining their birthday parties for awhile.

f o r r e s t said...

Good point Golden - as long as they both get presents what kid would not be happy. I've never heard any kids complain about christmas before...sharing that moment with their siblings.

shakedust said...

Pow-Pow-Power Wheels.

windarkwingod said...

A VADER cake! NICE! A frosty face on a kiddo is a sign of success!

roamingwriter said...

You'll have to save up for this week in the future as the toys get more expensive. Ha! Hmmm chocolate cake!