Tuesday, August 14, 2007

the Diet Mountain Dew Ferret

A few weeks ago, I was watching TV and a Diet Mountain Dew ad came on featuring a ferret in a hockey mask chasing a couple through the woods with a chain saw. Being a former ferret owner, I found this commerical hilarious. I also found it extremely cute as well and instantly missed my "long gone" ferret-Basil. For what it is worth, Basil did use to chase me, but not with a chain saw. He usually did it as a game (he would crawl into a plastic bag then I would shake him like a bag of "shaken bake" and he would come out and chase me. Hence, we called the game "shake and bake").
The truth was I found this ad misleading to people out there who might never have owned a ferret. All three of my ferrets- Basil, Baby, and Binky- never attacked anyone. Over the years, I've handled many ferrets in the pet stores and in some homes that I've been to and never once been attacked. They might jump on your back when you don't have a shirt on and dig their claws into your skin as they try to climb up you, but they are just being curious. Why ferrets have this reputation as "mean" is beyond me. Next to my dog Monty, my ferrets have been the most harmless pets I've owned. Less can be said about a certain hamster, bird, and a couple of cats I've owned. All vicious. So don't let the Diet Mountain Dew ad fool you and go hug a ferret.


T said...

I've never felt sorry for a ferret before! I don't know that I'm ready to hug a ferret yet, but a cow maybe on behalf of the ferret! :)

Portland wawa said...

I kind of miss our ferrets sometimes, but the whole house smelled like ferret. And it's hard enough taking care of a dog and two kids. But someday when the kids are older, we can have ferrets again.

f o r r e s t said...

It is a funny commercial and I don't think anyone will take it seriously, because the point is to be absurd. I sure the stats state that dogs and cats attack more people than grizzly bears too! And yet we keep our dogs.

roamingwriter said...

I thought that was a skull or something and didn't realize it was a ferret until I read on...I can see the humor in the commercial. It's only anti-animal people who will think ill of the ferret! They would think ill anyway.

shakedust said...

There is something naturally funny about a ferret in a hockey mask.

GoldenSunrise said...

I was just thinking about your ferrets the other day. There was a segment on the Noggin channel that showed two ferrets playing on the floor. So, pre-schoolers are getting a favorable view of ferrets. : )

windarkwingod said...

Your ferrets were smart. I remember them looking at me from the cage one time. It was like being stared at by a gang of teenagers across the street. They were sizing me up and had no doubt that they could OWN me...

Denny said...

I have 7 ferrets and they are hilarious to watch and play with.
I have never been attacked. I wonder how many people have been killed by ferrets compared to grizzly bears. I think the mask is supposed to be skin stitched together as in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre".